Do Less to Live More

I read something recently that said “you don’t find time, you make it.” It really made me stop and think about how I choose to spend my time. It alway seems that we make enough time for the things that really matter, the things that absolutely must get done, no matter what. There are only 24 hours in a day and we don’t have any hidden hours left to uncover and “find.” Today’s world is full, there’s no doubt about it. We are jam-packed and with every technological advance we stuff more into our lives.

Too many times I have thought “I’m too busy” to do things that interested me or I would glance at my planner and sigh, thinking about how there was never enough time. Even my joyful activities became just something else to cross off of the list. I knew stress was brewing but I didn’t know just how much my poor adrenals were crying for a break. Too many people can probably relate to that feeling. There is the ever common plea for a “25th hour” and then the grab for caffeine.

Even at my worst point when my thyroid, adrenals and hormones had me moping through my days like a zombie I didn’t realize how important it was to slow down. I thought that I would eat better and take my supplements and do yoga and drink lots of water and use essential oils and, and, and…. I always tried to improve by adding more things to my to-do list. I knew I should try to eliminate some unnecessary routines or checklists, but in reality I just kept adding more.  I still battle the tendency to “do more” but finally I have realized just how crucial it is to slow down and just BE. My husband still has to remind me to sit still, get off email and pet the cats or take a nap. It doesn’t come easily for me, but it’s something I have learned to prioritize. As someone who has Adrenal Fatigue and Hashimotos Thyroiditis, its essential otherwise I end up becoming a walking, talking showcase for fatigue and brain fog.

The non-stop routine burns out the body. Not only do you feel it after a long day, but your adrenals can get chronically exhausted. Adrenal fatigue plagues our society and we hardly notice it. We jolt ourselves awake with obnoxious alarms and then fill the tank with coffee or sugar and then we wonder why we need sleeping pills at night. We run ourselves to the point of exhaustion and don’t even stop long enough to notice. In today’s world, you have to make a point of stepping away from everything and relaxing and even though it may seem like a waste of time, I promise it’s not. Think of it more like an investment in you and in your future. You will find that as you slow down, you can take the time to enjoy things. You will find more joy in the everyday details and you will feel better while you do them!

Take time this summer to relax. The sun is out – go lay in it and do nothing. You’ll be much happier afterwards and your adrenals will love you for it!

About Kehau Martinez

Kehau Martinez is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and environmental advocate. Following her heart, she decided to become a health coach to empower other women who struggle with thyroid and adrenal imbalances. Today, she supports women who have thyroid imbalances to lose weight, increase energy and thrive. Kehau received her Health Coaching training at Integrative Nutrition in New York City and is certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. She holds a B.A. in Communications from Chapman University as well as certifications in Animal Communication, Reiki, Spinning® and the Access Consciousness Bars®. Additionally, she is certified in Raindrop Technique® and uses genuine, therapeutic-grade essential oils to perform this application of oils which detoxifies the body, empowering it to restore balance and promotes spinal health. Kehau leads workshops, teaches classes and offers one-on-one and group health coaching sessions as well as individual sessions for Raindrop Technique® or The Bars®.
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